On March 25, 1917, seven young Jewish women who exemplified self-confidence and the willingness to take a chance, founded a new sorority at Cornell University. Most of the seven- Dora, Amy, Marian, Grace, Inez, Regine, and Lenore- had experienced the subtle, but very real, discrimination practiced against religious minorities by many greek organizations.

In response to the closed doors, these young women established a sorority which would respect the individuality of its members. The personal growth and social development of each individual was the basis upon which the new organization would be built. Thanks to these founders, today Sigma Delta Tau continues to champion diversity and inclusion.

The Gamma Tau chapter of Sigma Delta Tau at Columbia University was established in 1992, and we are proud to be an integral part of our college community. Sigma Delta Tau empowers each member to reach her fullest potential by enriching the experience of women with similar ideals, building lasting relationships, promoting civic responsibility, and fostering personal growth.

To keep up with our sisterhood, follow us @columbiasdt!